Welcome to my blog
As a Front-end Engineer, it has been exciting, challenging, uplifting, and most of all, rewarding over the years. Learning is an integral part of my regular workflow and I am blessed with being able to practice my craft daily. On this blog, I document some of those things I have learned.
~ Danny Englander, 2023
Build a React app and test it inside its own environment and then wire it up to Drupal for seamless integration.
There's a neat little Drupal module called JSON Field and recently, I had a chance to play around with it. Out of the box, JSON field is a just a plain field where JSON data can be input and output on a web page.
Recently, I onboarded to a new project that required Lando, a popular local development server. When I am coding, I consider Xdebug to be of immense value for debugging and defining variables.
I've been building Drupal 8 sites with Layout Builder and one feature that I think is missing is the ability to group specific fields inside a wrapper for enhanced theming; a layout within a layout if you will.
Over the past month, I have been working on a large scale Drupal 8 build that is leveraging the Layout Builder module for much of the site's displays. If you have not used Layout Builder yet for a project and have been wanting to jump in, I hope this article will serve as a good overview.