Front-end engineer with a passion for learning something new every day

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Web development, Drupal, front-end technologies, musings, et al...

Blog posts - Page 8

  • Drupal 7 Fields: Digging Deep into the Data for Themers

    In this article, I'll show how to really dig into data associated with a field and for that I'll use a preprocess function in your theme's template.php for the logic and then a variable for presentation in a custom node template.

  • Drupal 7 Multi-sites and a Git Workflow

    I've been playing around with Drupal 7 Multi-sites lately on my local development environment and was trying to figure out how to add a multisite to git.

  • Drupal Tips, Tricks and Gotchas

    The more Drupal web projects I do, the more I keep having to solve similar issues that arise during development or reusing similar code snippets. Typically you can use Features or write a small module for a lot of things but sometimes, you just need that one code snippet or quick fix.

  • Customizing the User Login Page in Drupal 7

    I was recently tasked with theming a customized user login page in Drupal 7. I could not find a whole lot of documentation for this so the first place I looked was in the core modules folder hoping to find something like user--login.tpl.php that I would be able to copy and put in my theme folder for an override.