Front-end engineer with a passion for learning something new every day

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Web development, Drupal, front-end technologies, musings, et al...

Blog posts - Page 9

  • Customizing the Title on Account Pages in Drupal 7 Using a Theme Preprocess Function

    The Drupal 7 Account pages (user, user/register, user/password), all have the same Title, i.e. "User Account". I just ran up against this issue and my client wanted different / custom titles on these pages.

  • Using Views Contextual Filters to Create a Related Content Block With Drupal 7

    I recently built my new photo portfolio site High Rock Photo and on single image gallery pages (a Content Type I created), I wanted to show "related" images that were in the same category, images that were tagged with the same taxonomy term.

  • JQuery Theming Tips for Drupal 7

    I often see posts on the forums and elsewhere in regard to implementing jQuery scripts and code into Drupal. It seems common that users try to attach JQuery right within page.tpl.php or html.tpl.php. In other words, it's hard-coding a script into a page and it's not ideal. Some try to render it using the PHP filter within a block or node.

  • Theming a Views Post Date With Drupal 7 ("Date in Parts")

    In my last blog post I showed how to theme a node post date. I'll take it one step further this time and show how to do the same thing with a View. This assumes you are using the Views Module, and a use case would be if you want to display a feed of items with titles and teasers such as blog posts or news.

  • Theming a Node Post Date With Drupal 7

    In this article I will show you how to theme a post date in Drupal 7. The goal is to take a boring date printed inline and theme it so it stands out as a design element.