Front-end engineer with a passion for learning something new every day

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Web development, Drupal, front-end technologies, musings, et al...

Blog posts - Page 10

  • The 'Drush' of the Matter and Other Drupal Musings

    I'm a Front End Drupal Developer / Themer / Site Builder and admittedly have been slow in adopting tools like Drush and Git for my workflow. Not because I didn't want to but only that I am very right-brained, so the command line / Terminal to say the least has not been my friend.

  • Screencast: Creating and Theming a Node Photo Gallery with Drupal 7 and Colorbox

    I wanted the ability to easily create node galleries and this screencast shows you how to create and theme a node photo gallery using Drupal 7. I will also point out what modules are needed and make reference to those that would have been used in Drupal 6 and are now integrated into core in Drupal 7.

  • My Favorite Resources for Learning Drupal

    Recently on Twitter, one of my followers asked me for some resources and links for learning Drupal. I thought that would make an excellent blog post. When I first started learning Drupal, I watched screencasts and read all the relevant books I could get my hands on.

  • Using Drupal Views Arguments to Show Results Only When a Filter is Used

    Recently I was configuring a Drupal view for a client's website that consisted of the user inputting a zip code and distance to find a store near them. I was using an exposed proximity search filter with a postal code in combination with the Gmap and Location Modules.

  • How to add a block region to a node page in Drupal 6

    As a Drupal themers / front end developers, we are always asked to push the envelope of what's possible with design and theming. With Drupal 6, custom block regions are usually added in page.tpl.php which is normally outside of the actual page node content / comments. It would be above, below content or in sidebars typically.